Dylan, ok brother here she is one Xbox 360 Slim Rgh. She is fully loaded with a 250 gigabyte hard drive. I put in an Ace V3. Chip in and with a modified timing file, you can see from the video it boots like a beast. She is up on Alliance servers, and has a 10 day trial of The Purge for GtaV.
The System has Jiggy for Bo2, and Bluesky for Mw2, Off host’s for Mw3 and Ghosts as well as a few other free menus for GtaV. The system has all the basic tools in the Home Brew Section. You will be put into our Discord Support Group once you receive your console. We have staff to help answer questions and libraries of goodies.
Dylan, I would like to thank you for your purchase of this Xbox 360 Slim Rgh. We will be shipping her out on Monday, and Lorraine will have a tracking number for you by Monday Evening. Thank you again for your business and we appreciate you!