Xbox 360 Modded Rgh Console

Xbox 360 Rgh For Trenton Leshare

Trenton, ok brother here is your Xbox 360 Rgh. Ace V3 320 gigabyte hard drive up on Alliance Servers with a 10 day trial of The Purge for GtaV. Bo2 offhosts and jiggy included ghosts and mw3 off hosts. Packed and stuffed full. Trenton I want to thank you for your business we will be shipping her out tomorrow you would receive a tracking number tomorrow evening… Thank you again and enjoy your Rgh.

Sweet little rgh with a 320 Gigabyte hard drive fully loaded.

Trenton I want to thank you for your business we will be shipping her out tomorrow you would receive a tracking number tomorrow evening… Thank you again and enjoy your Rgh.

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