Timothy, this thing started life off as a fat, well my friend here she is one Xbox 360 Rgh Custom one off. The system has a Coolrunner Rev.c in it utilizing the Rgh 1.2 Method by 15432 Aka “The Mad Russian”. We stuffed a 2 terabyte hard drive in her, and this thing is loaded with everything under the sun.
Now after we were done with that I went a little further. I know you did not order this custom laser etching but I decided to do it for you. Timothy is Tek Nemesis. He builds original xbox modded console’s His personal one is a 128meg modded xbox with a pentium 733 I however he did the 1 ghz mod. Fellow builder here and very good at what he does. Hence the reason why I wanted to give him a console that would blow him away. From his response I do believe I achieved just that. She is up on Alliance Servers along with a 10 day trial of The Purge for GtaV.

He had no idea i was doing this till I finally showed him the rendering. Anyways Timothy, I want to thank you for your business. We will be shipping her off tomorrow and Lorraine will have a tracking number for you by tomorrow evening. Enjoy you Xbox 360 Rgh Custom brother. If you have any questions please hit me up on facebook or our facebook business page right here https://www.facebook.com/TonyMondelloRGH/