Tyler, Ok brother here is your Custom Xbox 360 Rgh. We used a Jasper model motherboard, RGH 1.2 method and a Cool Runner Rev.c. I installed Programmable Addressable LED’s with a 300 function remote. We then cut your glass out of 5 mil plexiglass and used a 1 mil back board to mount it. Installed a 320 gigabyte drive and she is up on Alliance Servers with Lifetime purge menu.
As you can see We did your custom Etched Image

Of course she does multi-colors

Tyler, again I want to thank you for your repeated business. We will be shipping her out tomorrow and you will have a tracking number by tomorrow evening. Thank you once again and enjoy your Custom Xbox 360 Rgh. You can reach us at https://www.facebook.com/TonyMondelloRGH/