Chuy, Ok brother here she is! Your Mega Pi Raspbian/Kodi/Retropie all in one Desktop Movie Streaming Retro Game Playing Insanity Machine.
We started off with a raspberry pi 3b+ of course, and added to it a Murziel Case with a 3 amp 5 volt power supply. Topped that off with a fan and heat sinks so we could overclock it to 1.5 ghz. The unit is 4k of course and compatible with different screen sizes.

Your First Os is Raspbian Buster which is a Port from Debian. This is a 64 bit Linux OS Full on Desktop computer. Your second OS is our old friend LibreElec, which also is running buster at its base. This is a modified Kodi Build With no Limits added to it. You will enjoy all the latest movies on this thing as well as other things.
We rounded it off with a RetroPie Build. The image Came from Virtual Man and 2Play, these guys built an awesome image which I tweaked and added some other stuff to it as you will see.

We added for input a Bluetooth Folding Keyboard and Mouse pad, an Inset Controller for Kodi, and 2 Blue Tooth 8 Bit Do Game pads. I enjoyed building this machine for you. it This is an awesome little machine and everyone loves these things.
For something to be able to do all this you think it would cost a fortune? It doesn’t and the whole thing fits in the palm of your hand. Enjoy your Mega Pi Raspbian/Kodi/Retropie build and thank you for your business. We will be shipping her out Monday . If you need us you can hit us up on our business page