Patrick Leberte, Well brother here is your Custom Built Computer Rig. a Little background… Patrick is my long lost nephew. Actually My Bosses Son lol. I have known him for many years.
Well he decided this is the year he is going into business for himself. He opened up a Cbd Super Center up in Moody Alabama Grand opening Is this Friday. Now he came to me because he knew i had a knowledge of Lasers so he wanted something so he could do engravings.
So I hooked him up with a 100 watt co2 gas Laser and set it up for him and showed him the ropes… When he said i have a computer we could hook it to i looked and it was this Old Laptop.. I died. I was like the most you can do with that is play Sink my Battleship.
Now we went ahead and we hooked it up it was slow but it did work. So all was good . He then comes to me and of course I always help around his dads shop with computers so he knew i had a knowledge of them.. Well he throws a bunch of money at me and says make me something that goes fast. So I did… Now mind you this is really for business just the occasional GtaV play lol. So here is what we have:
Whats in this Custom Built Computer Rig:
- Corsair Air 540 Case
- Roswill 750 full modular Power Supply
- Corsair 280 mm radiator and pump/fan setup
- Amd Ryzen 2700 8 core 16 thread unlocked cpu base 3.2 oc 4.2
- Corsair Vengence Rgb Ram
- 2 Solid State Samsung drives 1 Terabyte and 250 gig
- 1060 Rog Strix Nvida Chipset Graphics Card Vr ready Hdcp.
- Of Course Massive amounts of Rgb Lighting
- 3 added 120 mm fans
- A lot of Cursing and swearing due to Cable management issues lol.
All said and done the build is finished and now I have to get it on over to the shop hook up multi monitors a laser and Quick Books LMFAO. Needless to say Thank you for your Business Patrick I am happy i could build this crazy ass freaking beast pc for you Now come get your Custom Built Computer Rig OFF MY DINING ROOM TABLE!!!!!
For those of you interested in something like this let me know. This is a skill set I have not really hit upon although I am more then capable of doing it.. You can reach me at my Facebook Business page